Easter at MCC

Community Egg Hunt

Come join the community for the largest Egg Hunt in the area! Over 10,000 eggs will be hidden, all packed with candies, and placed for children to find! In addition, children and families will have a place filled with opportunities to CONNECT through additional games and food.

This Easter weekend, you’re invited to come, experience, and see for yourself the invitation God has given to everyone to TRUST Him!

APRIL 16 | WEDNESDAY | Egg Hunt 6:00p

APRIL 18 | GOOD FRIDAY | Worship 7:00p & 9:00p

APRIL 20 | EASTER SUNDAY | Worship 9:00a & 11:00a


GOOD FRIDAY | APRIL 18 (7pm & 9pm)

The name we have given this day in March “Good” Friday seems counter to the events that took place according to God’s plan. On this day, Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, was nailed to a Roman cross, a symbol of punishment and death, yet he was without sin. If He was guilty of anything it was Grace.  Unmerited, unearned, favor that flowed from His every action, word, teaching, even his death. On Friday His enemies believed they held victory, but it was Grace that won. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. Come and hear the story of Christ’s gift of grace for us all.

EASTER SUNDAY | APRIL 20 (9am & 11am)

  On Friday the body of Jesus was placed in a cold dark tomb, sealed by authorities, guards placed outside. Those who had left everything to follow Jesus 3 years earlier were disillusioned. They had heard His teaching, witnessed His power, and experienced first-hand His grace. His grace – unearned, undeserved favor. Forgiveness of unbelief, their past, event thoughts they feared speaking aloud. But on the morning of the third day, the tomb was found empty, the stone rolled away, and the guards in a daze who had witnessed the impossible. Jesus was alive. He had risen from the dead. How would he respond to his disciples who deserted him? What about those who questioned his identity? His grace Stands and can be trusted no matter the odds. His grace continues to rescue us from death. His grace guarantees our homecoming. Come and experience this grace for yourself this resurrection Sunday.